Aura Essence Sprays

Channelled from natures pure energies and ingredients the "Aura Essences" help you with manifestation and transformation on a soul level. They work on the auric level to allow change and healing to occur. To use just spray them into your aura and let the essences drift down over your whole body.
Containing; Flower Essences, Crystal Elixirs, Essential Oils and Channeled Energies.

Abundance 125ml

$ 34 NZD

This essence brings the energy of great abundance & gratitude into your aura. With essences of fire, citrine & gold the vibrations of wealth and abundance are the first steps to creating this in the material world for you. Also helps to clear poverty consiousness in people who feel undeserving.

Prosperity, Wealth and Riches.


Bliss 125ml

$ 34 NZD

This is a beautiful essence for bringing a sense of peace and contentment into your life which then opens you up to joy and happiness. It lifts you up in its arms surrounds you in a gorgeous bubble of bliss. A wonderful essence for those who need more happiness from within.

Brings a bubble of bliss.


Divine Healer 125ml

$ 34 NZD

Brings the essence of healing to gently clear any negative thoughts, anger or illness from your aura. All the sickness we experience in the physical realm is created from energy in our aura. If we clear the negativeity there first, it will stop this energy from manifesting in our physical bodies.

Healing mind, body and soul.


Energy Balance 125ml

$ 34 NZD

This beautiful new Aura Essence has a fantastic balancing effect on your aura and helps to keep you calm and centered in all situations. With essences of Soulstar and Earthstar it connects you to Mother Earth and Spirit at the same time and helps you to ground excess spiritual energy in the earth. A great one for light workers too.

Balancing energy for the whole body.


Energy Clearing 125ml

$ 34 NZD

Clears the energy and aura of any negative energies, hooks, cords and entities. Great to clear the cords from others that are not for your highest good and may drain your energy. Also excellent to use to clear the energy of healing rooms in between clients and also houses.

Like a breath of fresh air clearing away the past.


Fairy Magic 125ml

$ 34 NZD

For connecting to the magic of the natural world, the Elementals, Devas and Nature Spirits. Brings healing, fun and rejuvenation. Helps one to connect to the trees and flowers, mother earth and the crystals of the earth. Brings the Fairies to come and spread their Magic in your day.

Let the magic of the Nature Spirits dance in your day.



The Goddess 125ml

$ 34 NZD

A beautiful essence, this essence connects you to your sensual goddess within. It brings your more feminine enchantress side to the fore and helps you to feel more confident in expressing your inner sensual being.

A must for the "Goddess" within.


Meditation 125ml

$ 34 NZD

Helps to still the mind from unwanted thoughts and brings great peace to the centre of your being in rediness for meditation. Brings clarity and helps to draw your guides and angels closer to bring you gently to your highest soul connection.

Stillness, Peace and Clarity.


New Beginnings 125ml

$ 34 NZD

Helps you to flow with the changes in life and welcomes in endings and new beginnings. Helps you to let go of the past when you need to, to allow wonderful new things to come into your life.

Transitions, Endings and New Beginnings.


Soulmate Love 125ml

$ 34 NZD

Opens the heart and brings the energy of Divine Love to the fore which then allows opportunities of love to enter.
Helps to ready your energy to allow you to fully connect with your ultimate true life partner and Soulmate for this lifetime.

Infinate Love, Divine Happiness.


Ultra Protection 125ml

$ 34 NZD

Protection from hooks, cords and negative energies of any sort. Helps one with boundaries and not letting others take advantage of you. Helps with protection from bad dreams and can also be used for protection around animals and property.

Protection for the whole family.